IT Services

IT Services

The allure of shedding the traditional data center and reducing operational overhead and complexity can be very compelling. Choosing the appropriate cloud services and understanding the differences between public, private, dedicated, and hybrid hosting solutions from the hundreds of companies that now claim to offer cloud services can be overwhelming. NetLabs has partnered with service providers that support millions of customers in hundreds of companies.

Managed Security

Managed Security

The NetLabs Information Security Group operates as a Managed Security Solutions Provider (MSSP) deliver managed security solutions to SMB and mid-enterprise markets. This practice is broken into three distinct but related service categories with associated services: Managed Services, Security Device Management Service & Professional Services.

Quality Measurement

Quality Measurement

The actual performance of internet connections, particularly the speed and latency, is critical to meeting the objective set out by the Regulator. It is a fundamental metric for consumers to make informed choices as their speeds influences the quality of their experience and to a certain extent determine the availability of certain kinds of services – for example, good quality video streaming which requires sufficient download speeds and low levels of packet loss, while Voice-over-IP (“VoIP”) telephony requires sufficiently low latency.